About me

picture of the author taking a selfie in the bathroom mirror

My name is Ariyah Sanders I was born in Champaign il on october 6th 2007. I live with my mom and 3 of my sibling when I am at home my chores is to clean the bathroom and wash the dishes. When I was younger the Elementary school went to was carrie busey. When i was a child the sports i enjoyed playing alot was basketball , football , baseball. Subjects that im good at in school is science/english and sometimes I struggle with geomerty but im picking up on it the best I can once i'm done with high school I going to college because once I fully grow up I want to be a nurse . What I like to do outsde of school is being with my friends but last thing that I like to say and what i have learned and would want people to know is that not everybody your friend