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Unit 1: planing Websites

So far is this unit, we learned the three main topics of website design and they were "What is web design?" Web Accessibility and Color Theory. By looking at some of the very very bad websites that we was able to find We We found a way to narrowed down what be making a good website. Some of the websites we was abe to agree on that wasn't so good and that was very good we also agreed on where things could've got cleaned up at.

Unit 2: What is html?

What is html? Html is hypertext markup language which is used for computers.It's displayed in web sites browser, every web sites use html if they did't then who nows what it would look like probele not that good because you have to use a lot of codes that defines the structure and the meaning of the web content that we see.It has a lot of elements to it plenty for you to learn,html helps you with knowing how to display contant to the viewers that will see it, the way you know things is a heading or the start of something is all html, it is what we need to be able to understand web sites that we love and web sites all around

Unit 3: Accessible Design

Unit 4: How to Video

Unit 5: Web Graphics

Unit 6: CSS

Unit 7: Java Scripting